Thursday, September 27, 2007

Soo... Seriously

Not that I have a huge readership (though I like to pretend to myself I have plenty of lurkers)... Sometimes I want to confess things on my little blog. I don't because of the following:

*I know girls from my mommy board read my blog. Most of them I don't really care what they'd think about a certain confession I have. There is one though that I actually really care about what she thinks. She is not judgmental at all. I really value her lifestyle and her personality. She's never harsh, but never sickly sweet. I don't want her to think ill of me. (For those from my March board.. her initials are two daughters. Lives in Cali... GR)

*I don't want people who DON'T know me to judge me based on the one confession.

I like bullets.


Anonymous said...

People judge me all the time Lin....vicious emails and all.

Half the time they're right ;)

Army Wife Extraordinaire *~A.W.E.*~ said...

Slick.. I've seen your blog. I've READ your blog. I've laughed at your blog. What's there to

Fantastagirl said...

It's a tough call - many of your readers you will never meet, and wouldn't think any different of you - they would probably say - Hey - been there done that.... but there's always that slim chance...I struggle with the same things. What to say, what not to say, its a tough call - I think you just have to say - this is my blog, like it or leave it.