Monday, September 17, 2007

Hurricane Who?

Hurricane Who

I live in a town that was not hit by Hurricane Katrina. It was sort of hit by Hurricane Rita. We lost power and some areas lost water for a week. That sucked. I left for that time and went to Georgia. My how I love Georgia. People have brains there.

Sooo, on Thursday, October 13, it rained. Oh and there was some wind. Gary came home from PT and informed me that all the schools in the parish were closed. WHAT? Why? Hurricane Humberto, of course. . Hmmm.. ok. I had a dentist appointment that morning. We get in the car, head out over to get my pretty little teeth cleaned. And guess what? Yup, the dentist was CLOSED due to the weather. Hmmm.. ok. I didn't really feel like being poked and prodded much that day anyway. On our way back home, my phone rings. It's my hairdresser/nail girl/therapist. She tells me that she is worried about her clients coming out in this weather and offers to reschedule. Apparently, beauty is taken far more seriously than dental health here in Louisiana. This explains a lot. Quite a bit, actually. Anyhoo, because I didn't feel like having my toes painted that day or my hair colored I decided to jump on the hurricane bandwagon. I rescheduled as well. Take THAT Hurricane Humberto.


Anonymous said...

As long as you don't use the excuse to not clean your house Lin.....that's all that counts.

Oh yeah, hygiene too ;)

Army Wife Extraordinaire *~A.W.E.*~ said...

Silly you, Slick. My hygiene is impeccable. Even the dredges of Louisiana can't change THAT.